Sunday, March 23, 2014

Dealing with Details and Distractions...Part 1

This past month has been wonderfully busy!  In my world, busy beats bored any day of the week.  But busy often brings two of its traveling companions to the party that often take the fun out of what caused you to be busy in the first place.  I am speaking of those devilish cousins named details and distractions.  
Now I like to dot my I's and cross my T's as much as the next person (the next person that does not suffer from OCD), but my recent battle overcoming the myriad of distractions and the irrelevant details of certain circumstances have once again pushed me to the prayer room looking for the kind of wisdom that comes from God.

Here are some thoughts on dealing effectively with counterproductive details and distractions:
1) Decide that your perspective will be governed by what is  eternal in nature and not just what is temporary.
If something is important enough to hijack your thoughts write it down and prioritize it based on an eternal perspective of this life.  What do I mean by that? When matching socks becomes more important than instilling character in your children by spending time with them...go for what is eternal in reward and let the socks find their own mates.
Now that you have proper perspective on the task or detail... set aside a time in the future (the next day, later that evening) and give yourself a reasonable limit of time to devote solely to that task at the specific level of detail that tried to assert itself before. (For example...Decide that at 9pm you will spend 25 minutes matching only white or dark socks).
Phillipians 3:19 and Colossians 3:2 help us realize that God wants us to be able to focus our thoughts on things that matter- forever...and for eternity and not allow the mundane and necessary tasks of human life on earth to gain higher priority than Himself and His kingdom.

2) Distractions...Dare to let it go....
So I found that distractions are often only  relevant when I am pushing the limits of boredom and need to effect some kind of change in posture or environment to keep my mind focused.  Sometimes its as simple as saying a verse of scripture out loud.  Sometimes its as aggressive and turning off my cell phone and using the word No with my kids.  Usually whatever I have to do to rid myself of the distraction involves me first resolving internally that everything will be ok if I dont...(whatever the task or accommodation that tempts me).
Mathew 6:25-34 is my go to scripture for undue worry and concern

3) Rally your supporters and keep them within earshot (phone or walking partner...)
Sometimes my biggest support is an specific song
Sometimes its a note that I write in Dry Erase on my mirror
Sometimes I call my sister or a friend and ask for a particular kind of peptalk to help me overcome the fleeting moments of conflict when I have to let a detail or distraction go unaddressed.

I plan to share more on this subject over the next month.  I would love to hear your thoughts, and ideas on overcoming details and distractions.    Post a comment !

Blessings and Grace
Stephanie O.